Kremlin lauds popular support for Putin

Russian diplomat and the press secretary for Russian president Vladimir Putin Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Wednesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin gains a high level of public support. So, it’s no wonder that his re-election campaign has managed to collect over 2.5 million signatures supporting his run.

Vladimir Putin is seeking another term in office as an independent candidate. As such, his team is required by law to collect a certain number of signatures from voters throughout the country before his candidacy is considered eligible. The minimum is 300,000 signatures, with no more than 7,500 counted from each Russian region or the rest of the world combined, although more can be collected for the sake of redundancy.

Vladimir Putin’s campaign announced that they had surpassed the benchmark of 2.5 million signatures. Dmitry Peskov, who speaks on behalf of the Russian president, said he could not comment on the news in his official capacity, but as an eligible voter he believed that the number could be an order of magnitude higher, if the campaign staff deemed it necessary.

Source: RT, January 17, 2024


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