On the morning of December 18, 2023, Mr. KOJIMA Masanobu, President of KOJIMA Holdings Co., Ltd. pays a courtesy call to Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei Hun Manet, Prime Minister of Cambodia on the occasion at the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation onDecember 15-19, 2023 in Tokyo, Japan.
Mr. Kojima Masanobu informed Samdech Thipadei about the development progress of development of training and bringing Cambodian trainees to work in Japan. Apart from this, the KOJIMA Holdings Co., Ltd. has opened a Cambodian private business centre in Atsuki, Kanagawa Prefecture to help promote Cambodian products and food, cultural exchange, human resource training and business facilitation and so on.Mr. KOJIMA Masanobu also informed Samdech Thipadeiabout project to expand its investment in Cambodia, especially in the agricultural sector for export and the project to establish Khmer villages in Kanagawa Prefecture to increase to promote Khmer cultural traditions in Japan in the purpose of increasing closer relations between the people of the two countries.
Samdech Thipdey expresses his thanks to KOJIMA Holdings Co., Ltd. contributing to train and send Cambodian interns to work in Japan through the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training and the Ministry of Commerce of Cambodia.
The immediate benefits are to create jobs providing income and reducing poverty, while the long-term benefits are that Cambodian interns will become Cambodian human resources with experience and specific skills for Cambodia in the future.