On Tuesday morning, December 16, 2023, Samdech Moha BorvorThipadei Hun Manet, Prime Minister of Cambodia allowed Mr. Obayashi Takeo, Representative Director of the Kansai Economic Federation and Chairman of Obayashi Corporation to pay a courtesy call during the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation on December 15-19, 2023 in Tokyo, Japan.
During the meeting, Mr. Obayashi Takeo informed SamdechThipadei about Obayashi Corporation’s aim to expand its investment in Cambodia, as well as encourage other Japanese companies to invest in Cambodia and the Global Expo project in the Kansai Regional Economic Federation by 2024 with Hopefulness that Cambodia will participate in this important event.
In response, Samdech Thipadei informed Mr. Obayashi Takeo that the Ministry of Commerce of Cambodia will participate in the upcoming Global Expo in the Kansai Regional Economic Federation. Moreover, Samdech Thipadei highlighted that the Royal Government of Cambodia has been payed attention to ensure the sustainability of a favorable atmosphere for business and investment through new policies, implementation mechanisms and legal frameworks, along with the development of infrastructures and key logistics such as expressways, railways and ports, and so on.
Meanwhile, the Royal Government has been examining the establishment possibility of a Cambodia-Japan industrial park and make a master plan in the logistics sectors to turn SihanoukvilleAutonomous Port into the main ports in the region.